Wednesday 18 March 2009

evan is a baby. and so is sakka. whoever you are.

hey. urm... where to even begin?

I guess we should start with the most pressing news. KoRtni and I are no longer obsessed with Zac Effron. Shocking, right? In fact, he kind of disgusts us a little bit. I tore down all the posters I had on the wall. Well, not really tore them, cause I figured they'd make for some pretty awesome stationary. But yeah... Honestly, wow.

The sun has been shining in London, and we've had a whole new wave of fascination. I swear it's a different city. It's pretty crazy how fast you start taking things for granted. Like living right next to King Henry the VIII's castle. (I just realized how famous the castle was like two weeks ago. I think KoRtni thinks I should feel bad about that or something. But I don't. I just think it's SO cool.) But yeah, another reason why we might be loving London to the fullest once again, is realizing that we don't have much more time here. Everything seems to become more meaningful and important when you know you won't have it for too long.

We bought our plane tickets home. April 23rd. Mark your calendars. It feels SO good to have a day set. Not that we're homesick, or disliking our time here. But I think we both feel really very satisfied. And change is also always nice. We also bought a bunch of other plane tickets. And we, therefore, probably won't be writing much, if any, after the 6th of April, on account of traveling purposes. So, sorry folks.

Umm. We're pretty established here. Established to the point where I recognize most everyone on my walk to work, and KoRtni gets a hug every time she visits our local Tesco. Oh yeah, KoRtni basically converted a worker. I'll let her tell that story though. And I found my new favorite thing to do. It's called, taking pictures for tourists, so that everyone can be in the photo. It makes me very happy.

Oh my word. We've discovered lots of parks lately, and how absolutely huge and amazing they are. They are bird, monument, and tree sactuaries. The weather has been so very nice. We haven't even had to wear tights to church! But the one bad part about the good weather is precisely this... sometimes you see things that you just don't want to see. Like, sometimes you just look at people and think... 'why?' Especially in Cardiff. There were loads of clubs by Cardiff Bay, and the girls. Well, ew. Oh yeah, we went to Wales. It was incredible and very much needed. We also went to the crappiest tourist attraction in the world. It's the one that we earned the free tickets from. It was horrible. So horrible, that I'd give it 'the lamest spook alley in the world' award.

well, i really hate internet cafes, and computers in general at the moment. this is probably due to the fact that i sit in front of one ALL day.

Erin is having her baby right now. I'm just waiting for the call. I kept on thinking that my family forgot to call me or something, and it made me pretty royally upset. But it turns out that Atlas is just a huge punk, and enjoys Erin's belly a whole lot. I wish I was home so bad for this. It's sorta making me sick.

Ugh, I'm really sorry to disappoint. I'm just really not in the mood for blogging. And I apparently haven't been in weeks. srz.

Oh, and a special shout out to Dan. Good luck on the mission. We love you a lot, and wish you the best of luck. Haha. I feel like I'm writing in a card from a married couple or something. :) But yeah, seriously. We are really really going to miss you.

Sigh. Until next time...

-GTFG Megan

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