Thursday, 1 January 2009

Oh hey guys.

This is good time funny girl Courtney chewing on a piece of plastic I chewed off of my water bottle as I enter my very first blog post.

Megan just said "We can't look for jobs again 'til Monday then, huh?" and I said "yeah." So that's the news on that. We were late to BUNAC orientation on wednesday by literally two minutes and they wouldn't let us in because they're awful people. So yeah. We contacted about 12,000 people on Wednesday, like Megan said, and basically all we can do now is await replies until Monday. We have an interview tomorrow for live-in jobs at a tavern in Waterloo which we don't really want, but we're going to the interview anyhow. If nothing else, it's an opportunity to go see Waterloo, right?

We had the opportunity last night to stay in a really nice hotel because our hostel was too full on New Year's. This was incredibly nice because we got to sleep in a clean, soft bed, shower in an amazing shower, and actually feel cute and clean. We then went to a big LDS YSA dance, which started out really miserable until we befriended a boy dressed as a flamboyant cha cha dancer with a puffy rainbow shirt and a brazillian/italian with a cute scarf. At that point, things started looking up quite quickly. We danced our little hearts out to Britney Spears and the Jackson Five and went on the roof of this 6 story church to watch the fireworks at midnight over the rooftops of London. Not a bad way to ring in the New Year.

We also saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace and the County Building and the London Eye. We rather enjoy walking around talking like British people because we are geeks. We also enjoy Indian bread pockets full of vegetable treats and I don't enjoy the robotic public restrooms that cost 20p and are disgusting.

The aforementioned hotel was a dream with one fatal flaw--its location. We were baffled that we could find such a great place for such a reasonable price, but when night fell, we quickly understood just why it was so inexpensive. It took us a whopping two hours of tube and bus rides to get from Central London to our fluffy white dream bed. And on the way there, we encountered quite a few whackos. My personal favorite was a drunk gangster boy who approached us and asked if we could "meet up later tonight" at about 4 in the morning. We told him that he probably didn't want to meet up with us because we were Mormons, to which he quickly replied "so are we!" but then hesitated and asked, "what is that?" He then made me ask him for a lighter about four times, making a big stink about my "beautiful accent" over and over. I don't want you all to worry too much, so I'm going to refrain from recounting any other experiences. Just trust me, guys, it was a bad part of town and a long commute through it. But fear not, we made it out alive and will never look back.

Well I think that's about it, ladies and folks. Farewell until next time.

Sincerely yours,
Good Time Funny Girl Courtney


  1. I'm so glad to see you are keeping a blog! Please post picturz. of LundUhn. Someday. Thanks.

  2. So you know, I believe the proper term for the gangsta type fellow you met is a "chav." Not 100%, as it's a term that rose to popularity after I left, but I'm pretty sure.
